"No Spend" Month

Happy February!  Wow, this year is already flying by.  In January, I shared our home renovation goals for 2016. Tackling that ambitious list will be exciting, but daunting.  This month, however, I want to hit the pause button and take a momentary break from project planning and spending.  Instead, I want to focus on knocking out some home improvement tasks that have been lingering on the "to do" list.

To help move things along, I decided to implement a "no spend" month.  Say what?!  Let me clarify...

diy home improvement

Sarah intrigued me with her "no spend" concept, so I decided to give it a try.  While I will be inevitably spending something for certain supplies (see below), the goal/mission of the "no spend" month is simple:  Focus on finishing in-process tasks by trying to use stuff we already have before starting any new projects decorating, new home improvement endeavors, etc.  We tend to have a case of home improvement "attention deficit disorder", so this month is intended for buckling down and finishing what's been started.

The intent is that there will be NO spending on new home decor, tools, new project materials, etc.  The only spending exception (which should be negligible) will be for materials needed to complete pending tasks (sandpaper, caulk, paint, etc.).  There is a lot of paint touch-ups, trim work, caulking, and purging/organizing to do around here!  I also intend to unpack boxes that haven't been touched since we moved in (2+ years ago). #sigh

Have you tried anything like this?!  Wish me luck that I don't blow this...

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