Small Holiday Vignettes

Christmas happens to be THE holiday that we put much effort into making extra special for our boys.  From Advent activities to baking sweet treats, blasting Christmas music and playing games, it is our hope that their childhood traditions will be memories they hold special in their hearts forever.

For this very reason, I tend to sprinkle Christmas cheer throughout most rooms in our home.  I'm sharing the last few snippets of some holiday vignettes around our house today.  You can click here to see our "official" holiday home tour.


Christmas holiday decor kids bedroom

The boys get their own little tree in their bedroom every year.  It's usually decorated in their handmade ornaments, but this year, we just hung some candy cane treats and wooden ornaments from our holiday decor stash.

holiday toys decor kids children interior design

The Misfits crammed took over the kids' shelves.  My boys anticipate the return of these stuffed toys, along with the singing Santa and other musical toys, every year.  By the way, do you spot Coconut, our elf?!  He has been keeping a very close eye on the boys lately. 😉


The mini project in the kitchen is done!  I'll show it to you in the new year 😄, but here is a sneak peek of the area currently filled with seasonal cheer...

Christmas decorations interior design decor shelf styling

A simple snowflake above the range...

kitchen hood Thermador range Christmas holiday decor

May the magic of the season always fill our hearts!

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